
This website is committed to providing accessible pages and content to all users, regardless of technology or ability. Our goal is to conform to level Double-A of the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0, making the web more user-friendly for everyone.

Standards Compliance

Our website is built using code compliant with W3C standards for HTML5 and CSS3. This ensures that the site displays correctly in current browsers and should continue to do so in the future.


We provide alternative text to images wherever possible, ensuring that visually impaired users and those using text-only browsers can access the information provided through images on the website.

Site Navigation and JavaScript

JavaScript is required for accessing interactive features. Additionally, a website sitemap lists nearly all webpages, facilitating navigation.


All links on the site are checked at the time of publication to ensure accuracy and functionality. We periodically review links to external sites. If you encounter a broken link, please contact the webmaster, and we will promptly address the issue.

Text Size

All text on the website is resizable. Users can adjust text size using their browser’s font-size tool, typically found under the View menu.

Browser Compatibility

We regularly test our website on major desktop browsers, including Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer 11+, Google Chrome, Firefox, and Safari on iOS and Mac platforms. Users of Internet Explorer 11 and below are encouraged to upgrade to ensure optimal site viewing.